Love Of MyLife

Love Of MyLife

Thursday, December 17, 2015

What is anemia?

Salam & Hi everybody

You know what is anaemia?
What is the causes?
What is the signs and symptoms?

Actually, anaemia describes a group of conditions in which there is a lower-than-normal count of red blood cells and also less of oxygen-carrying pigment, haemoglobin in blood. Anaemia is classified by the size and appearance of the red blood cells. The common types of anaemia are haemolytic, macrocytic and microcytic, and they share the similar symptoms. People suffering from illness such as angina may find they are more likely to have attacks if they are also anaemic. A good supply of oxygen in the bloods is essential to good health.

So what is the signs and symptoms?

1. Tiredness
2. Headaches
4. Pale skin
5. Breathless 
6. Palpitations (high heart rate)

There are 3 main causes of anaemia:

1. Not enough red blood cells in body circulation

2. Red blood cells being lost from body at an abnormal rate by slow, chronic bleeding, as with heavy menstrual period or gastrointestinal bleeding.

3. Red blood cells being destroyed faster than they can be produced

So if you have experience one of the symptoms, you need to see a doctor to investigate why the problem occur.

You also can try to consume Vitalea & B complex Shaklee because our body need this vitamins to produce a healthy red blood cells.
A healthy red blood cells can carry more oxygen and be more efficient so that our body will received a maximum amount of oxygen.

Wanna try?



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