Love Of MyLife

Love Of MyLife

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Salam & Hai.
Saya baru balik dari Pusat Darah Negara.
Bawak My Sis gi Rare Blood Donor Reunion sempena 
Sambutan Hari Penderma Darah Sedunia 2014.
My sis merupakan salah seorang yang sangat bertuah sebab ada blood group yang berbeza dari orang lain iaitu Darah A Positive Jka-b-.
So tadi dapatla jumpa kawan2 seangkatan yang lain.

Mesti ramai yang tertanya2 ape tu Rare Blood Donor.
So sini saya ada sikit info dari pihak Pusat Darah Negara mengenai hal ni.

What is an Antigen?
An antigen is a substance (either sugar or protein) found on a red blood cell. It is capable of stimulating the immune system to produce an antibody. When an antigen is found on the red blood cells of most people, it is called a high-incidence antigen. When the antigen has been shown to be absent from most people, it is called a low incidence antigent.

Example of antigen on red blood cells surface

What is an antibody?
An antibody is a protein made by the immune system. Body will produce antibody when it is exposed to foreign antigen.

Example of Antigen Antibody in Human Blood

Who is rare blood donor?
Rare donor is a blood donor whose red blood cells have seen tested and found to have certain low incidence antigen or lack a certain high incidence antigen in certain population. In Malaysia example of rare blood donor is donor with Bombay phenotype, Jka-b- or R2R2 phenotype. Sometimes a donor can lack a combination of seveal common antigens which together make the blood unique.

What is rare donor registry?
Blood center regularly screens donated blood for rare phenotype. By having a safe and adequate blood supply it allows us to regularly screen and save rare blood for patients who specifically require them. Most patients will not produce red cell antibodies and won't require the use of specifically matched phenotype blood. However, all it takes is one patient with a special need to make our rare donor programme worthwhile.
In our community, transfusion dependent patient such as Thalassaemia patient, Siclkle cell disease or cancer patients would require regular transfusion. Therefore the risk for them to develop red cell antibody are much higher than general population and they will need a specifically matched blood for their use.

Why it is very important to have a specific matched blood type for transfusion?
For blood transfusion, patients and blood donors must be matched based on their ABO and Rh blood group. The usual type are:
A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+ and AB-
However estimated 5% of patients need a more specific blood type when they developed atypical red cells antibodies. If they are transfused with incompatible blood it can caused life threatening reactions.

Well, itu adalah sedikit info mengenai Rare blood donor.
So kepada yang diluar sana yang tak pernah derma darah, jemput2 la menderma sebab kita boleh tahu sama ada kita ni ada darah yang rare atau tak. 
Di samping tu derma darah ni dapat membantu mereka yang memerlukan.
Ada orang cakap, lepas derma darah boleh gemuk. Bagi saya itu mitos semata2.
Semoga dengan sedikit info ini dapat membantu anda.
Dermalah darah, sesungguhnya setitis darah anda dapat membantu mereka yang sangat memerlukan.

My sis

Rare blood donor

Nak beli Shaklee?
Nak jadi Ahli Shaklee?
Hubungi saya 0173618483

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